it was FFA match with 4 people.
We began building up forces and infrastructure for about 60~120min.
1 got disconnected about after an hour.
I saw that other Advent player just spammed one type of ship you get at the beginning of the game
and had like 4 cap ships. My ships were various types, not just 1 type. i was out numbered 1 to 2 since I spend more money on getting other ship types.
I decided to attack the other player and got wiped out.
He just focus fired on all of my cap ship and took them out easily.
Fleet with mixed ship types didn't help at all.
later, I spent all my money to spam out early units for a final defense.
It was doing well against the enemy forces until some plasma cannon from the enemy cap ship whipped them all out at once... Thats when I found out that since ships doesn't move and stay concentrated in one area, strong cap ship ability can whip them out easily...
Later i found out two of them formed an Alliance. guess they decided to end the match since game was going for more than 2 hours. Both of them had pretty large fleets built up.
This is my first multiplayer match and it seems quite disappointing.
- No point in researching other types of attack ships
- spam early ship from beginning to end
- spreading culture seems completely useless even I didn't try it.
It seems that early ship spam works because you can spend money on research to improve only one ship type.
Its cheap so ships can be built more.
Does 1 type spam always work in most of MP games?
if so, I really hope in the future patch that spamming one type of ship = bad vs multi type fleets.
Oh, and what does culture do exactly? beside not being able to take over enemy planets.
Btw any future plan on applying cap ship rank to normal ships which makes them more stronger will be really nice.